hello everybody.how are u today???are u good, right??
I will share what's going on my minds so give me a while..hmm...Today I had been drop out my subjects in my college.why???because i don't like in my college anymore.I felt home homesick there and nobody helps me to discard what i was felt. T_T.. so if u wanna go aboard and get an education there I should advise you have an indonesian friends beside you.Because, they will help you to discard all the felling about homescik.currently I dont have anything activities on my life probably i just wasting my time to writing my new blog, listening music,chat with my friends, also looking an english tutorial to improve my english.Actually my english doesn't well enough.but i had to fund an english tutorial on facebook a while ago.it free without payment just need an internet connection so you can searching at www.engvid.com.Should i discussing about that website???may be i will discussing that on my others posting just wait.hmm it does enough today to posting and i will continue tomorrow.see ya ;: (i dont have any ideas to posting today help me T_T)
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